Randal Scott
Blaney is now baptized! My father passed away on Dec. 30
th 2007 as a cause of hardened arteries due to chronic alcoholism. Suffice it to say that his
decisions in life were washed away in death, of which I am overjoyed. Curtis stood in proxy for him last night at the temple. I was not prepared to become so emotional. Tears of joy ran freely as I witnessed my husband being baptized and confirmed in behalf of my father. Before the ordinance was performed, I sat in the
Baptistery chapel and read
Doctrine & Covenants Section 128 regarding baptisms for the dead. The Holy Spirit testified to me that our beloved prophet Gordon B.
Hinkley and many other good men taught my father. (D&C 138:57-59) Afterwards, Curtis and I were discussing our feelings about the event, and we both had the spirit testify that my father was in

attendance and very interested in the proceedings (which is very much his personality). My emotional state was such a
surprise to myself (and I was impressed upon that is was also a
surprise to my father). I am still learning about
the spirits that dwell among us, and their capabilities, but I think that for the evening, my father was able to speak to me. I felt him say, "Danielle, If I only knew how much this meant to you I would have done it many years ago." I will never forget this feeling. The pictures I have posted are a family portrait of me as a baby with my mom and dad, and of my last memory of what my father looked like before he passed away.
Hurrah! Finally, right?
Danielle - Thank you sooo much for sharing your thoughts and feelings about this precious subject. Your blog entry has left me with tears of joy unmeasurable. I have hoped and prayed for many many many years that Randy would accept the gospel. He was so close for so many time and he has a big heart. I will alway have a special place in my heart for him. I am so glad you were a part of his temple work.
Love Ya Mom
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